Riders’ briefing

Thank-you for entering the Chiltern Samaritans Sportive.

Please read this Riders’ briefing carefully as it includes administrative information and important rider safety notes to help ensure everyone’s day runs smoothly, in accordance with our event insurance from British Cycling.  Click here for a printable (PDF) precis of this briefing.

Before the event

Bike computer.  The routes will be extensively signposted and marked with the use of arrow and warning signs, but we do recommend that you use a bike computer and pre-load your chosen route.  If you miss an arrow or a turning you could easily get lost in the narrow lanes.

Click here for our 40 Km route and a printable Ordnance Survey based map

Click here for our 80 Km route and a printable Ordnance Survey based map

Click here for our 130 Km route and a printable Ordnance Survey based map

Check that your bike computer has enough charge for your expected ride time.  For guidance, assuming you ride at 15 mph/24 KpH and allowing for feed stops, expect to be out on the 40, 80, and 130 Km courses for roughly 1:45:00, 3:30:00, and 5:30:00 respectively.

Water bottle(s).  It will be midsummer, so expect the weather to be hot and sunny.  Fit a water bottle or two to your bike.  If you have two bottles, consider using one for fresh water and the other for an energy drink.  Use the fresh water to bathe any cuts and grazes, to clean your hands, to splash over your face, etc.

Lights.  If you have lights fitted and intend to use them, make sure they are fully charged and/or consider carrying some spare batteries.

A First aid kit.  Carry some basic supplies with you such as plasters and antiseptic wipes.

A Tool kit.  We’ve all seen fellow cyclists by the side of the road repairing a puncture.  In case this happens to you, carry a small toolkit with tyre levers, patches, a spare tube, and a tyre boot patch.

Clothing and a helmet.  It will be midsummer, so choose your clothing accordingly.  You might want to have some spare clothes in your car to change into after your ride.  Pack a lightweight rain jacket if rain is expected.  You must wear a helmet.  No helmet = No ride.

A fully-charged Mobile phone.  In case of emergency when you are out on the course, but bear in mind that mobile coverage is poor in some parts of the Chiltern Hills.  Consider loading the what3words App onto your phone so that you can give out your accurate location.

Personal.   Carry some ID which shows your name, address, emergency contact details, and important medical information such as blood group, medications, and allergies.  And carry some cash and a card for emergencies and for any purchases you may require for breakfast and coffee before you ride.

And most importantly, you and your bike!  Consider taking a few rest days before the Sportive, and make sure you have a hearty breakfast and plenty of water before travelling.  Give your bike a thorough inspection in the days before.  Especially, if you have soft/flat tyres, pump them up to their normal pressures and then check them again the next day. Repair/replace any tubes that you suspect are damaged.  Check your brakes, apply a few drops of oil to your drivetrain, etc.

Arrival and registration

Check the weather forecast before travelling, and add/remove extra clothing as appropriate.

You can find our Event village and car parking here.  Marshals will direct you into the site and to the car parking area.  The site will be busy with other motorists and cyclists; please be careful on arrival and departure.  Allow plenty of time for your journey and for event registration; registration opens at 07:00 and closes at 10:00.

All riders must register before riding.  At the registration desks, look for your ride distance and then register by your family name.  You may be asked to show your bike helmet before you collect your ride number and timing chip.

There will be a desk available for on-the-day registrations – cash or card – and there is a £5 premium.

Before and during your ride

There will be a van at the Event village offering last-minute repairs, spare inner tubes, etc.  There will also be fresh tea and coffee, first aid, trade stands, and toilets.

There is no emergency medical support out on the course.  If you need help, first of all call out to your fellow riders, and then call the emergency services if you need them.  Mobile coverage is poor in some parts of Chiltern Hills.  if you have a genuine emergency, please call our number +44 7386 486451.  Please do not use this number for route queries as you may prevent genuine emergency calls getting through.

There is no mechanical support out on the course.

Look out for potholes.  Especially in the shadows.

Keep yourself hydrated before and during your ride.  Water is available at the start, at all of the Feed Stations, and at the Splash ‘n’ Dash Water Station near to the finish (80 Km and 130 Km routes only).

All of the Feed Stations and the Splash ‘n’ Dash Water Station have toilets.

We will assemble batches of approx. 12 riders at the start gate for final checks (remember your helmet) and a pre-ride briefing, aiming to set you off at 2-3 minute intervals.  Please listen to the pre-ride briefing carefully in case there are any last-minute route changes, roadworks, road closures, etc.

The following start times are for your guidance; if you depart too early, your Feed Station(s) may not be open when you arrive!

130 Km riders can start from 07:00, immediately after registration.  New for 2025, the 130 Km cut-off start time will be 09:00 to persuade and encourage riders to get back to the Event Village before 16:30 when the site closes.

80 Km riders can start from 08:00

40 Km riders can start from 09:00

Approximately 30 minutes after the last rider starts, our team will set off to clear the route, removing the arrows and warning signs.

Please observe the Highway Code whilst riding, respecting other road users including motorists, other cyclists, horse riders, and pedestrians.  Do not endanger yourself or anyone else.  Remember that you will be riding in narrow lanes and on open roads, some of which will have fast, free-flowing traffic.

On the 40 Km route there is a Feed Station at 30 Km.

On the 80 Km route there are Feed Stations at 28 Km and 50 Km, and a Splash ‘n’ Dash Water Station at 72 Km.

On the 130 Km route there are Feed Stations at 42 Km and at 84 Km, and a Splash ‘n’ Dash Water Station at 118 Km.

All Feed Stations will have toilets, water, bananas, and home-made fayre lovingly prepared by our wonderful Samaritans volunteers.

After your ride

After you have turned right on to the A40 at West Wycombe, continue past the car park entrance to the riders’ entry/exit gate.  Marshals will direct you into the Event village.

Ride through the finish gate to record your chip finish time, and then collect your drink and food tokens.

Hopefully it will be warm and sunny, and you can relax with your burger and beer in the Event Village whilst listening to our Jazz band.  And consider treating yourself to a well-earned massage!

The site closes at 16:30.

After the event

Check out the Charles Whitton Photography website for some action shots of your day in the saddle.

And finally …

Have fun, enjoy your ride, and THANK-YOU for supporting the Chiltern Samaritans.  See you next year!

If you have any questions, please email Samaritans Cycle at enquiries@samaritanscycle.com

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